What Lucid Touchstone Does
Our core outcome when we work with clients is normally focused on – Business Development and finding ways to add profits
We have built up a good deal of knowledge and expertise across all the functions and elements that make up this broad topic and deliver consulting and products which help reach whatever outcome is wanted.
It would be almost impossible to say what products and services would look like because they are bespoke and geared to what the client wants as the outcome.
We can and do use a framework to help us get the best outcome and we always work with existing resources. Effectively this means it doesn’t matter what your budget is because we include that in our analysis of current resources.
Tensegrity Business Leverage System – Framework
- Vision – Goal – Outcome
- Business Analysis
- Trigger Points
- Optimisation
- Dynamic Structures
Vision – Goal – Outcome
Everything starts with the vision, goal or outcome you want. Ideally this will be something you want to achieve over the next 6 months to a year. Stating your goal as an outcome is important and keeping it within a reasonable timeframe is helpful when it comes to reaching it and gaining feedback along the way.
Business Analysis
Our business analysis is starts with the outcome as the end result. Our questions are always in relation to the current situation and your outcome.
For example, you may have a goal to increase profits by 20% over the next year.
If that were the case we would look at your current lead generation system, your backend system for increasing transactions, your costs, sales team, sales processes and all related marketing.
We would also look at where you might be able to add more value via partnerships or joint ventures.
Depending on the depth of the analysis we may want to go out on existing sales visits and will certainly want to speak with a few existing customers.
The business analysis can take anything from a few hours to days or weeks and really depends on business size and complexity.
Business Trigger Points
Business Trigger points come in all shapes and sizes and vary from the simple to the more complex. Trigger points can be viewed as the critical areas of business impact. I found a definition from BusinessDictionary.com which offers some guidance on business trigger points “Change in an attribute, condition, factor, parameter, or value that represents crossing a threshold and actuates or initiates a mechanism or reaction that may lead to a radically different state of affairs.”
A trigger point could for example be as simple as the letters, emails or quotes you send to people. The ability to communicate and persuade is available at every customer touch point.
Another trigger point may be related to the overall business or sales model that you use. Yet another trigger point may focus on strategy.
Business Trigger points have a common framework but will be different from business to business.
Business Optimisation
You might be staggered at the volume of wasted opportunities all around us. I can almost guarantee that there is waste going on inside every business on the planet. The tragedy is that people can’t see it.
We tend to look at optimisation first because we will often find huge savings of money, time and resources. Addressing these systematically can improve the number of leads, how many are converted and how much money is spent with a business.
Enabling a business to get more revenue in and spending less to do it.
Dynamic Structures
Structures can take many forms and they drive behaviour. We may look at an existing structure, challenge the status quo and ask questions about the existing business model, sales process or target market. Good questions can often provide new insights.
We may come up with new ways of doing things based on other industries.
We may suggest a complete rethink on business practice.
What ever form innovation takes there are always going to be opportunities to add value.
One key point to bear in mind we never suggests any major change without first testing it or doing a pilot study. These are normally low cost so we don’t spend a lot to find things out.